This semester in school I am in a class where students ask questions that can not always be answered. Questions like, "Why was I placed in America instead of a country where thousands die each day from hunger?" Or "Why does Jesus promise to take care of His followers... He says He cares more for us than the lilies which He clothes so beautifully...but there are hungry children who believe in Him?" Why God? Why do people suffer? Why do you seem to care for me so much more??? Why is the question my soul asks... I don't understand Jesus... I know you love your children more than I could ever know....And then...when my soul can not stand the thought of bearing the pain of the world any longer.... I hear the words within my soul, "MY REDEEMER LIVES!" And then I know... I remember the love of my life that has died for me. The one and only beautiful lover of my soul. The one who died for the mistakes and sins of this fallen world. I remember that there is hope. Hope in the one that nature shows is real...hope in the one that makes smiles and laughter... hope in the one that gives us freedom and comfort and love and hope for all time!! My Redeemer Lives!! There is no hope for a fallen world.... only the hope of Jesus Christ. The one who was born to die. The one who lives to work in me and through me! My Redeemer Lives! I know He is there. I know Jesus is crying with me. That the first bite of the apple was the window to all the suffering of the world. The suffering from the sin that my Jesus has died for. So when my heart cries for the suffering I can have God built compassion and most importantly a hope.