Even though there is stress, I can't help but smile when I think about how much Jesus does love me and how well he knows his children. He knows we are people that get tired and need rest. He even gives us college students a few months off. I was and still am disappointed that India is not an option this summer. My heart still aches for the country. For the people, to walk down commerece street in Bangalore, wearing my punjabi, bightly colored bangals, the smell of the material my scarf is made out of thats hanging off my shoulders. Seeing the beautiful brown people, and hearing "You like? 45 Rupees." as they nod their heads from side to side. I would love to hear the horns beeping like crazy and see the Indian women smile as I walk along the shops of beautiful clothing and wood carvings.
Instead...Flordia. I wonder if I could be anywhere opposite. But then again...God will still amaze me with his beauty. I get to spend a summer living right next to one of my favorite things! The ocean! I get to run along the waves and eat icecream. I get live with my best friend and stay with amazing people. New friends are coming along with rosy checks and hopefully a new and amazing surf girl... haha. Anways, summer has always been my favorite. God is good and knows what he is doing. I just have to do the one thing I'm bad at. I must trust. I have to trust that just as God is good now, he will still be good and just this summer...and next semester in Ireland...and Forever. He deserves my constant praise. Jesus, help me do this. Help me to stay close to your heart and put my passion in you! Let me overflow with a love and energy for you!!!