This semester has been an interesting one. It's been full of pressure to succeed and not really knowing what God wants or has for me.
Things have been even more busy this semester, maybe compared to my more laid back semester in Ireland. All I know if that my classes take up a lot of my time, and I feel that this semester my work has been criticized more than ever, and the feeling of not quite measuring up is very real. I've felt that I've made more mistakes this semester than ever before... but God hasn't left. He is still very real and working in my life.
I had plans to maybe go to Dallas this summer and work for Gospel for Asia. I worked hard to get all of my papers in, to have my portfolio of work done in Ireland printed, to have an interview... all to learn that they only had one intern spot, which was full.
Everything was falling through and kept falling through.
But God has continued to surprise me.
I wasn't planning on leaving the country again. But for some reason, my logical plans fell through, and God's sending me to Spain. He keeps opening the doors to something I figured was too far out of my reach. He is teaching me that his plans are not always mine, they don't always seem the most practical, and that in the end He's the one in control. He only asks for my trust and patience. God wants me to live more for Him each day and less for myself. When I can learn to do this... that's when I see his plan and his desires becoming mine.
All that to say, after a stressful semester... I'm off to Malaga, Spain in 24 days to take pictures and help with Graphic Design for a mission board. One step closer to what I want to do with my life...
Travel the world and take pictures.