Monday, August 01, 2005

What is God's Purpose for my Life??

When praying for a specific and clear statement about God's purpose for my life,
He gave me this...

I am simply God's daisy.
I am here to worship Him.
His rainy mercy gives me life,
and His shining forgiveness
lets me grow.

I am simply God's daisy.
I am here to worship Him.
My growth and beauty
belongs to Him. He has made
my petals white as snow.

I am simply God's daisy.
I am here to worship Him.
My scent reflects His love.
My laughter tells of grace
and lets His beauty show.

I am simply God's daisy.
I am here to worship Him.
God gave this daisy power
to always leave a seed. For when
they see His love, they will always know.

1 comment:

HIS anna said...

Jeran, you certainly have the gift of peotry and expression! This is beautiful! Are you saving all of these away some where?

I love you!
Annie Bananie