Sunday, May 18, 2008

Every Soul Is Still A Soul

Lately I feel like all the things I've been reading and thinking about are all kind of linked together. The thing is, they are different ideas and topics, but I think God is showing me that it all has to do with really knowing and following him. 
Last night I was thinking about how I naturally react to people. If I'm walking down the street and see a trendy girl, holding her starbucks... 9 times out of 10 I'll probably smile. When I pass a homeless man, I won't look at him. I started to think about why this was. I think the first natural reason is that the familiar is more comfortable. And the homeless man, well if I look, and then maybe even smile...he might want money. So... basically I'm saying that when it comes to people, I'll approve of you if you meet my standards. If you dress up to date and share my passion for overpriced coffee, you deserve a warm smile. But... if you are needy and wanting some of my money...that I can't really spare... you aren't good enough for a smile or even a look. 
And then I thought, what if I did look? And smile? And he did ask for money? What if for once I gave my 2 Euros or 5 dollars... what if I skipped out on that cup of coffee or on sale item? But  I don't. Because I've convinced myself that I will always spend the money that God has given me more wisely then someone who is living on the streets.
I've been finishing the book "Blue Like Jazz" and reading his thoughts on money. And then I was watching Hillsong United's preview for their documentary. There are 2 billion children in the world. 1 billion live in extreme poverty.
And I have plenty to eat. Plenty to wear. Plenty. Always. 
So, I guess this means two main things. One, most of the time, the world is all about me. I decide who is worthy and who isn't. And two, most of my validation comes solely from materialism. What if I was to not buy clothing for a year? I mean nothing. I would be fine. Right now, I can't think of one thing I really need. But, as time goes jeans won't be the right look anymore. And the bags will need to be different. And I won't have the right shoes. And all of the sudden, practicality is in direct proportion with style and being affirmed by what I look like. 
Does it really matter that Children in Africa need clothes to go to school? I mean, nothing I have looks anything like Urban Outfitters this season...
Every Soul is a Soul.
Each person deserves the same as me. 
Life isn't fair.
I some how ended up on the good end. But I had no say in that. But I do have a say in what I do with what I am given. 

1 comment:

The Salsgivers said...

Jer, It was great talking with you today. I'm excited to do that often and to read your blog. Your honesty is so refreshing. Keep writing. Keep praying. Keep growing. I'm looking forward to seeing you in a month and getting to share our experiences. Love you girl.